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Vietnam Tour

According to the director of Hue festival center, foreign and Vietnamese sponsors have pledged grants of 8 billion VND for organizing Hue festival 2008.
The European Union (EU) will provide 10.8 million Euro towards a 12 million Euro project to develop tourism human resources in Vietnam said the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT).
The development of ecological tourism is considered a helpful way to protect natural resources in national parks and reserves in Vietnam , according to a seminar held in Da lat central highlands Lam Dong province, on April 9.
The Vietnam Architecture Association has announced 20 outstanding architectural works of Vietnam during the renewal process, including hotel and resort complexes of Saigontourist in localities nationwide.
The city of My Tho in Tien Giang Province is the gateway to the western region of southern Vietnam
Vietnam's tourist industry has been given succinct and expert advice about how to attract French tourists.
A busy and festive atmosphere can be felt everywhere in Viet Tri town, in the northern mountainous province of Phu Tho. This is the second year all the Vietnamese people can enjoy a holiday on the Hung Kings’ Death Anniversary Day. It’s expected that around 2.5 million of people will flock to the festival.
Vietnam will have the first theatre for performing and exhibiting records of Vietnam at the Hung Dien Trade Centre and residential area in Hcm city

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